Monday, May 2, 2011

The simplest diet is to stop eating junk... if I did that, then I wouldn't need to diet...

Today we're going on a week-long diet, the Sacred Heart Diet. Essentially, I'm taking it is a way of weaning my body off processed foods, and replacing them with fruits and vegetables.

For me it makes sense, because, while I feel that we already eat a good variety of fruits and vegetables, I think my problem is a) I just eat too much in general, and b) relying on convenience foods to supplement our food intake (think a rice mix to accompany our dinner, or a handful of Triscuits as a snack. They are fine on their own, but when you eat as big a quantity as I do, not so much...) Unfortunately, with those around, I'm much less likely to prep a salad to go with dinner, or to grab an apple for a snack, which would help me eat healthier.

I'm slowly coming to realize that I may have a food addiction. Like smoking or drinking, the only way to get rid of it for once and for all is by going cold turkey... but, unlike smoking or drinking, a person needs to eat in order to live! So, instead of giving up eating, the smart thing would be to give up unhealthy foods, starting with not buying them, then make the time to prep healthy foods so when the hunger strikes, I have something to quell it with, that does not add hundreds of calories and tons of ingredients that I cannot pronounce...

I like the idea of starting off a "lifestyle change" by addressing only one of my issues at the time. By being able to eat as much as possible of something healthy, I won't feel  hungry, and I will not confuse true hunger with cravings for junk... I'm thinking that if I spend this week on this diet, and the next few weeks on a modified version of it, it will help me get rid of those junk food cravings that assault me in between meals, and specially after dinner...Once that's under control, then I think it will be easier to address the "too much" issue. Sounds sensible... we'll see where it takes me...